it's me, that bitch

jenko || she/her || writer
I'm a canon-verse SNK/AOT writer, who sometimes, though rarely, dabbles in AU. Angst, pain, tragedy, blood, heartache, tears, and loss all make me feel alive. Though, under all that beautiful pain, I am a hopeless romantic at heart. There will be dark themes in some of my pieces, but all of them will have that thread of love. Because, truly, I cannot fucking help myself.♥ ♥ ♥I'm a switch, so I enjoy both Rivaere and Ereri dynamics.♥ ♥ ♥All fics are tagged accordingly for fixed shippers.♥ ♥ ♥
Kink shaming? Don't know her.
Occasional Dead Dove
Emoji addict 🌸

★ Ereri Fics ★
Ereri ★ 391K ★ Rated ELevi has known nothing but immense, continuous loss in his time -- it has hardened him. But one stubborn, foolhardy man breaks down the walls Levi has erected around himself, much like those surrounding their world, and shows him just how much lies beyond. Beyond these skies, beyond this life, and further yet. A story of love and loss.Canon Divergence - slow burn, emotional constipation, secret relationship, angst / tragedy
Ereri ★ 27.6K ★ Rated EAfter a foolish, drunken mistake at a party, Eren finds himself plagued by the obsessed Floch Forster. It was just a single kiss! But still, the man haunts him, and so by Mikasa's suggestion, he begrudgingly follows her to a strange church. Here, she says, a priest will be able to help him exorcize him of his red-headed demon. Eren doesn't believe in God, and he sure as hell doesn't believe in exorcisms. But as soon as this oddly familiar priest lays his steel grey eyes on him, Eren is inexplicably drawn to him. He bows to this man's hand, and when the priest finally touches him... Eren loses himself to something old and ancient.Modern / Reincarnation AU -- Priest Levi, exorcism, bondage, dubious consent, porn with plot
Ereri ★ 5.3K ★ Rated MBy ending the War, Eren had given humanity everything he had fought for all these years: Freedom. Freedom to explore to the ends of the earth, to roam across sprawling lands, to breathe the fresh air never tasted before, to finally see the beauty beyond the Walls. But the War had left Humanity's Strongest broken. His hands mangled. His bones shattered. His face scarred. Without the strength of his body, what else could Levi give to the man whose own beauty rivaled that of the world he had given humanity? Had given Levi?Levi learns that there is beauty in everything Eren touches -- even him.Canonverse -- hurt/comfort, light angst, happy endingWritten for the Pull of the Ocean charity zine.

★ Rivaere Fics ★
Rivaere ★ 14.9K ★ Rated ENew Military Police recruit Ascher Greene had heard tales of Captain Levi of the Scouts since he was young. About the man's brutal strength. His countless titan takedowns. His startling speed. Even his short stature. However, at the Annual Unity Ball held in Mitras while on his very first capital mission, Ascher Greene would soon learn the most important thing of all about the taciturn Captain:Captain Levi did not like to share.Outsider POV, voyeurism/exhibitionism, possessive Levi, jealousy, BDSM , PWP
Rivaere ★ 51.4K ★ Rated ESanguine: (adj) Marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic. Also read as: Accompanied by, involving, or relating to bloodshed.Eren, in all his worldy wisdom, believes he's uncovered a sordid secret of his captain. Thinking Captain Levi gets off on hurting him, he'll gladly accept the pain of his captain's touch, if it means feeling those hands on him.But he's wrong. Not too far off the mark, but still... wrong.Canonverse - Knife play, blood drinking/kink, light masochism, porn with plot
Rivaere ★ 7.2K ★ Rated TWith spring comes life. Flowers, trees, the warmth of the sun... and Eren Jaeger's birthday. He doesn't ask for much, just one little thing. One soft, sweet thing. Levi doesn't really consider himself, or his words, soft. So all he can offer Eren -- is this.A fluff piece for Eren's birthday! ♥ 3.30.22 ♥Canonverse - fluff, established relationship, birthday, stupid sex jokes